Thanks to all
who helped!

Vladimir Salnikov


Curriculum vitae

ResearchGate profile
LinkedIn profile
CNRS 80Prime Project
Working Group
Géométrie Différentielle
et Mécanique GdR GDM

Problèmes Inverses
en Mécanique

École de Mécanique
Théorique à Quiberon,
9 - 14 septembre 2024
Jilin - La Rochelle
postdoc position


Communications at the conferences, workshops and schools

  • Workshop "Non-assocaitive algebras and Poisson geometry", Jilin University, China, 2023 (invited minicours)
  • Thematic trimester "Higher structures in geometry and mathematical physics", IHP, Paris, 2023 (oral comm.);
  • 5th international conference "Computer algebra", Moscow, 2023 (oral comm., online);
  • Rencontre du GdR Géométrie Différentielle et Mécanique, Saclay, 2022 (oral comm.);
  • Congrès Français de Mécanique, Rencontres Math-Meca, 2022, Nantes, France (oral comm.);
  • Scientific program "Higher Structures and Field Theories", ESI, Vienna, Austria, 2022 (oral comm.);
  • Summer School on Geometry and Topology, Hradec Králové, 2022 (invited minicours);
  • Rencontre du GdR Géométrie Différentielle et Mécanique, Bordeaux, 2022 (oral comm.);
  • Journées de Géométrie Différentielle en Mémoire de Pierre Molino, 2022 (invited speaker)
  • Geometry for Higher Spin Gravity: Conformal Structures, PDEs, and Q-manifolds ESI Programme, Vienna, 2021 (oral comm.);
  • Summer School on Geometry and Topology, Hradec Králové, 2021 (invited minicours, online);
  • Rencontre du GdR Géométrie Différentielle et Mécanique, La Rochelle, 2021 (oral comm., organization);
  • Rencontre de MARGAUx -- journée de la Fédération Mathématique de Recherche en Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 2021 (invited speaker);
  • Good morning SFARS meetings, Goettingen 2021 (oral comm., online);
  • 4th international conference "Computer algebra", Moscow, 2021 (oral comm., online);
  • Good morning SFARS meetings, Goettingen 2020 (oral comm., online);
  • Rencontre du GdR Géométrie Différentielle et Mécanique, Paris, 2020 (oral comm., online, organization);
  • Supergeometry, supersymmetry and quantization, Luxembourg, 2019 (invited speaker);
  • Geometry and Topology in Lens, 2019, Lens, France (invited speaker);
  • Congrès Français de Mécanique, Rencontres Math-Meca, 2019, Brest, France (oral comm.);
  • The third International Conference "Computer algebra", 2019, Moscow, Russia (invited speaker);
  • 12th ISAAC Congress, Aveiro, Portugal. 2019 (oral comm.);
  • CITV -- Souriau Colloquium, Arpino, Italy, 2019 (oral comm.);
  • Meeting GeoMeca, Rennes, 2018, (invited speaker);
  • Workshop on multisymplectic geometry and applications, Metz, 2018 (invited speaker);
  • 4th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Madrid, 2018 (oral comm.);
  • Colloque International de Théories Variationnelles (CITV) -- Souriau Colloquium, Carqueiranne, France, 2018 (oral comm.);
  • Conference "Rencontre Poisson à La Rochelle", 2018, (oral comm.)
  • Functional Equations in Limoges (FELIM), Limoges, France, 2018 (oral comm.);
  • Colloque International de Théories Variationnelles (CITV) -- Souriau Colloquium, Amboise, France, 2017 (oral comm.);
  • Lens Topology and Geometry Meeting, Lens, 2017 (invited speaker);
  • Conference Lie algebras, algebraic groups, invariants, Moscow, 2017 (oral comm.) ;
  • XXV International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Madrid, 2016 (oral comm.);
  • Conference Poisson 2016, Zurich, Switzerland, 2016 (poster);
  • Colloque International de Théories Variationnelles (CITV) -- Souriau Colloquium, La Rochelle, France, 2016 (invited minicourse lecturer);
  • Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies, Logrono, Spain, 2016 (oral comm.);
  • III Meeting on Lie systems, Warsaw, Poland, 2015 (invited lecturer);
  • School and International Conference on Geometry and Quantization, ICMAT, Madrid, Spain, 2015 (poster);
  • The 18th International Conference on Composite Structures, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015 (oral comm);
  • Journée de la Fédération de Recherche Normandie-Mathématiques, Le Havre, France, 2015 (oral comm.);
  • Journée "Simulation numérique et calcul intensif", le CRIHAN, Rouen, France, 2014 (oral comm.)
  • La sixème journée de la Fédération de Recherche Normandie-Mathématiques, Caen, France, 2014 (poster);
  • International Workshop "Dynamics & Kinetic theory of self-gravitating systems" (IHP Gravasco trimester), Paris, France, 2013 (oral comm.);
  • Conference on Integrability, Topological Obstructions to Integrability and Interplay with Geometry (RP Geometry and Dynamics of Integrable Systems), Barcelona, Spain, 2013 (oral comm.);
  • Thematic week "Integrability and the newtonian N-Body Problem", (IHP Gravasco trimester), Paris, France, (invited lecturer);
  • 2nd Conference on Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems, CIRM Luminy, France, 2013 (poster);
  • The 6th edition of the international conference Functional Equations in LIMoges, France, 2013 (oral comm.);
  • International Workshop ``Geometric Structures in Integrable Systems'', Moscow, Russia, 2012 (invited lecturer);
  • 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria, 2012 (oral comm.);
  • La quatrième journée de la Fédération de Recherche Normandie-Mathématiques, Rouen, France, 2012 (poster);
  • Dynamical systems and classical mechanics: a conference in celebration of Vladimir Arnold, Edinburgh, 2011 (poster);
  • Research Workshop on Modern approaches to dynamical integrability, Portsmouth, England, 2011 (oral comm.);
  • Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Physics, Saint Jean de Monts, 2010 (oral comm.);
  • III International Summer School on Geometry, Mechanics, and Control, L'Ametlla de Mar, Spain, 2009 (poster);
  • Geneva-Lyon winter school, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2009 (oral comm.);
  • Conference on problems of quality of scientific education in higher grades, Moscow, Russia, 2008 (oral comm., organization);
  • Mathematical and Numerical Models for the Cardiovascular System, summer course, Cortona, Italy, 2008 (oral comm.);
  • 5-th European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008 (poster);
  • ``Round table'' on the Realization of the lyceum education, Moscow, Russia, 2008 (oral comm.);
  • Contest-Conference For Young Scientists - Institute of Mechanics, MSU, Russia, 2007 (oral comm.);
  • Conference ``Symmetry and Perturbation Theory'', Otranto, Italy, 2007 (oral comm.);
  • Conference ``Dynamical Integrability'', CIRM, Luminy, France, 2006 (oral comm.);
  • Summer School ``Contemporary Mathematics'', Dubna (Ratmino), Russia, 2006 (assistant lecturer);
  • 7-th Junior Mathematical Congress , Tg-Mures, Romania, 2006 (invited lecturer, scientific committee);
  • Conference ``Dynamics and Structure in Chemistry and Biology'', Moscow, Russia, 2006 (oral comm.);
  • Moscow-Bavarian Joint Advanced Student School on ``Medical Imaging and Computer Simulations'' and ``Nanobiotechnology and Biosensors'', Moscow, Russia, 2006 (invited lecturer);
  • The Fifth Euromech Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2005 (oral comm.);
  • XXXIII International Summer School-Conference ``Advanced Problems in Mechanics'', St. Petersburg, Russia, 2005 (poster);
  • Conference ``Dynamics and Structure in Chemistry and Biology'', Moscow, Russia, 2005 (oral comm.);
  • Conference ``Mathematics, Computer, Education'', Puschino, Russia, 2005 (oral comm. et poster);
  • The Contest-Conference For Young Scientists - Institute of Mechanics, MSU, Russia, 2004 (oral comm., 2d degree diploma);
  • Conference ``Molecular Simulation Studies in Material and Biological Sciences'', Dubna, Russia, 2004 (oral comm.);
  • CEEPUS Computer Algebra Summer University, Miskolc, Hungary, 2004 (oral comm.);
  • 6-th Junior Mathematical Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 2004 (oral comm.);
  • The 3-rd Kargin Conference ``Polymers 2004'', MSU, Russia, 2004 (oral comm.);

Participation at conferences, workshops and schools

  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2024;
  • Réunion du GdR Géométrie Différentielle et Mécanique, Jussieu, 2023 (organisation).
  • Summer School "Approches Théoriques aux Métamatériaux", Quiberon, 2023 (organization);
  • Annual meeting of the "Differential Geometry and Mechanics" research regroupement, La Rochelle, 2023 (organization).
  • Rencontre Poisson à La Rochelle 2023 (Pol's Fest), La Rochelle, 2023 (organization)
  • Workshop “Mechanics of Continuous Media and general relativity”, Troyes, 9 may 2023.
  • CIRM School "Higher Structures in Geometry and Mathematical Physics", Luminy 2023;
  • Colloque Mécamat, Centre Paul Langevin du CNRS, Aussois 2023;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2023;
  • Summer School "Champs de Phases en Mécanique", Quiberon, 2022 (organization);
  • Foliations, pseudodifferential operators groupoids - Winter School, Gottingen, 2022;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2022;
  • Summer School "Géométrie Différentielle en Mécanique", Quiberon, 2021 (organization);
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2021;
  • Scientific program "Higher Structures and Field Theories", ESI, Vienna, Austria, 2020;
  • Virtual workshop "Singular Foliations and Related Structures", Essen, 2020;
  • Summer School "Méthodes Probabilistes et Stochastiques en Mécanique", Quiberon, 2020 (organization);
  • Integrability, Anomalies and Quantum Field Theory, IHES, Paris Saclay, 2020.
  • 14th International Young Researchers Workshop on Geometry, Mechanics and Control Göttingen, 2019
  • Rencontre du GdR Géométrie Différentielle et Mécanique, Cachan, 2019;
  • Summer School "Théorie du Contrôle en Mécanique", Quiberon, 2019 (organization);
  • Rencontre du GdR Géométrie Différentielle et Mécanique, La Rochelle, 2019 (organization);
  • Conference "Singular Foliations", Leuven, 2019
  • Functional Equations in Limoges (FELIM), Limoges, France, 2019;
  • Day "The Noether Theorems, a hundred years later", IHP, Paris, 2019;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2019;
  • Summer School "Thermodynamique des Processus Irréversibles", Quiberon, 2018;
  • Symmetry and Computation, CIRM, Luminy, France, 2018;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2018;
  • Summer School "Analyse Spectrale en Mécanique", Quiberon, 2017
  • Lie groups in mathematics and physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2017;
  • Field Theories and Higher Structures in Mathematics and Physics, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2017
  • Representation Theory at the Crossroads of Modern Mathematics in honor of Alexandre Kirillov. Reims, 2017
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2017;
  • Workshop on higher structures, Luxembourg 2016;
  • Journées SL2R, Luxembourg, 2016;
  • 50th Seminar ''Sophus Lie'', Bedlewo, Poland, 2016.
  • School "Quantum Structure of Spacetime and Gravity", Belgrade, Serbia, 2016;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2016;
  • Workshop "Higher Geometry and Field Theory", Luxembourg, 2015 (Organization);
  • Oberwolfach Seminar Derived Geometry, Oberwolfach, Germany, 2015;
  • Conference Nonlinear Control and Geometry, Bedlewo, Poland, 2015;
  • Workshop on 3-dimensional Geometric Structures, Representations of Surface Groups and related topics,
    Luxembourg, 2015;
  • Journée Normastic, Caen, France, 2015;
  • Journées Astronomie et Systèmes Dynamiques : N-body problems, Paris, 2015;
  • Journées transCouesnon de théorie des groupes, Caen, 2015;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2015;
  • "Geometry and Mechanics", International Conference in honor of Charles-Michel Marle Paris, France, 2014
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2014;
  • Bio-Dynamics-Day, LMAH-Le Havre Normandy, France, 2013;
  • Journée d'algébre, GTIA, Caen, France, 2013;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2013;
  • Biologie, Médecine et Systèmes Complexes -
    GdR ``Dynamique et Contrôle des Systèmes Complexes'', Rouen, France, 2012.
  • International workshop on Integrability in Dynamical Systems and Control,
    DISCo - 2012, Rouen, France, 2012 (organization);
  • Recent Progress in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics -- A conference in honor of
    John Mather's 70th Birthday, Lyon, France, 2012;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Houches, France, 2012.
  • Symmetries, Integrable Systems and Representations, Lyon, France, 2011.
  • Workshop on Covariant Field Theory, Luxembourg ville, Luxembourg, 2011;
  • Journées de physique mathématique: Loop quantum gravity, Lyon, France, 2011;
  • Poisson Geometry and Applications, Figueira da Foz (Coimbra), Portugal, 2011;
  • Espaces, groupes et algèbres de lacets 2011, CIRM Luminy, France, 2011;
  • Winter School in Mathematical Physics, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2011;
  • School and conference on Higher Structures in mathematics and physics, within the ESI program, Vienna, Austria, 2010;
  • International Workshop on Gauge Theories, Supersymmetry and Mathematical Physics, Lyon, France, 2010 (organization);
  • Seminaire Borel (Winter School in Mathematical Physics), Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 2010;
  • Conference Higher Structures in Mathematics and Physics, Zurich, 2009;
  • Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras, Geometry and Cohomology, (Conference in honor of Claude Roger for his 60th birthday), Lyon, France, 2009;
  • First Meeting of the GDR ``Quantum Dynamics'', Lyon, France, 2009;
  • Winter School on quantum chaos, Bordeaux, France, 2009;
  • Summer school on Real and Symplectic Geometry, France, Paris, 2008;
  • II International Summer School on Geometry, Mechanics, and Control, La Palma, Spain, 2008;
  • Conference ``Algebraic methods in dynamical systems'', UPC, Barcelona, Spain, 2008;
  • Conference ``Geometrical Mechanics'', CIRM, Luminy, France, 2007;
  • Réunion LIOUVILLE, ``Intégrabilité réelle et complexe en Mécanique Hamiltonienne'', (IRMAR) Rennes, France, 2007;
  • Workshop ``Poisson sigma models, Lie algebroids, deformations, and higher analogues'', ESI, Vienna, Austria, 2007;
  • Thematic interdisciplinary school on ``Perspectives in theory and technology of quantum information and communication'', CIRM (Luminy), France, 2007;
  • Workshop on Symplectic Geometry, Contact Geometry and Interactions, Lille, France 2007;

Partially updated 23.02.2024.