Thanks to all
who helped!

Vladimir Salnikov


Curriculum vitae

ResearchGate profile
LinkedIn profile
CNRS 80Prime Project
Working Group
Géométrie Différentielle
et Mécanique GdR GDM

Problèmes Inverses
en Mécanique

École de Mécanique
Théorique à Quiberon,
9 - 14 septembre 2024
Jilin - La Rochelle
postdoc position

Published or accepted articles

    In international journals

  1. V.L.Golo, Vl.N.Salnikov, and K.V.Shaitan, Harmonic Oscillators in the Nosé-Hoover
    Environment, Physical Review, E70, 046130, 2004.
  2. V.Salnikov, T.Strobl, Dirac Sigma Models from Gauging, Journal of High
    Energy Physics, 11/2013 ; 2013(11). DOIs:10.1007/JHEP11(2013)110
  3. V.Salnikov, On numerical approaches to the analysis of topology of the phase space
    for dynamical integrability, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 57, Dec. 2013.
    Preprint: arXiv:1206.3801 [math.DS].
  4. V.Salnikov, Effective algorithm of analysis of integrability via the Ziglin's method,
    Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, March 2014,
    Preprint: arXiv:1208.6252 [math.DS].
  5. A.Kotov, V.Salnikov, T.Strobl, 2d Gauge Theories and Generalized Geometry,
    Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014:21, 2014, DOI:10.1007/JHEP08(2014)021.
  6. V.Salnikov, D.Choi, P.Karamian-Surville, On efficient and reliable stochastic
    generation of RVEs for analysis of composites within the framework
    of homogenization Computational Mechanics, Volume 55, Issue 1, 2015.
    Preprint: arXiv:1408.6074.
  7. V.Salnikov, Graded geometry in gauge theories and beyond, Journal
    of Geometry and Physics, Volume 87, 2015, Preprint: arXiv:1411.4486
  8. V.Salnikov, S.Lemaitre, D.Choi, P.Karamian-Surville, Measure of combined effects
    of morphological parameters of inclusions within composite materials via stochastic
    homogenization to determine effective mechanical properties, Composite
    Structures, Vol. 2015, Pages 122 - 131, Preprint: arXiv:1411.4037.
  9. L.Hanten, G.Giunta, S.Belouettar, and V. Salnikov, Free Vibration Analysis of
    Fibre-Metal Laminated Beams via Hierarchical One-Dimensional Models,
    Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, DOI:10.1155/2018/2724781.
  10. V.Salnikov, D.Choï, P.Karamian-Surville, Computation of effective electrical
    conductivity of composite materials: A novel approach based on analysis of graphs,
    Composite Structures, 
 Vol. 189, 2018, Preprint: 1612.09262
  11. V.Salnikov, A.Hamdouni, From modelling of systems with constraints to generalized
    geometry and back to numerics, Z Angew Math Mech., Vol. 99, Issue 6, 2019,
    Preprint: 1807.06652
  12. D.Razafindralandy, V.Salnikov, A.Hamdouni, and A.Deeb, Some robust integrators
    for large time dynamics, Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences,
    6, 5, 2019, Preprint: 1811.09114
  13. V.Salnikov, A.Hamdouni, Differential Geometry and Mechanics - a source of problems
    for computer algebra, Programming and Computer Software, Vol. 46, Issue 2, 2020.
  14. V.Salnikov, Supersymmetrization: AKSZ and beyond?, Russian Journal of Mathematical
    Physics, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2020, Preprint: arXiv:1608.07457
  15. V.Salnikov, A.Hamdouni, D.Loziienko, Generalized and graded geometry for mechanics:
    a comprehensive introduction, Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems,
    Vol. 9, No. 1, 2021, Preprint: 2007.11081
  16. B.Jubin, A.Kotov, N.Poncin, V.Salnikov, Differential graded Lie groups and their
    differential graded Lie algebras, Transformation Groups, volume 27, pages 497–523 (2022)
    Preprint: arXiv:1906.09630
  17. D.Loziienko, V.Salnikov, A.Hamdouni, Construction of pseudo-geometric integrators
    Programming and Computer Software, Volume 48, Issue 2, 2022.
  18. V.Salnikov, A.Falaize, D.Loziienko. Learning port-Hamiltonian systems - algorithms,
    Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2023.
    Preprint: arXiv:2207.07124
  19. O. Cosserat, C. Laurent-Gengoux, A. Kotov, L. Ryvkin, V. Salnikov, On Dirac structures
    admitting a variational approach, Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems, 2023.
    Preprint: arXiv:2109.00313
  20. A. Kotov, V. Salnikov, Various instances of Harish-Chandra pairs, Journal of Geometry and
    Physics, Volume 191, 2023, Preprint: arXiv:2207.07083
  21. A. Kotov, C. Laurent-Gengoux, V. Salnikov, Normal forms of Z-graded Q-manifolds Journal
    of Geometry and Physics, Volume 191, 2023, Preprint: arXiv:2212.05579
  22. V. Salnikov, Port-Hamiltonian systems: structure recognition and applications, Programming
    and Computer Software, Volume 50, 2, 2024
  23. O.Cosserat, V.Salnikov, C.Laurent-Gengoux, Numerical Methods in Poisson Geometry
    and their Application to Mechanics, to appear in Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2024
    Preprint: arXiv:2303.15883
  24. A. Kotov, V. Salnikov, The category of Z-graded manifolds: what happens if you do not
    stay positive, to appear in Differential Geometry and its Applications, 2024
    Preprint: arXiv:2108.13496
  25. In refereed proceedings

  26. Vl.N.Salnikov, Nonlinear Dynamics and Resonance Effects of Systems in the
    Nosé-Hoover Thermostat, Proceedings of the Contest-Conference for Young Scientists,
    Institute of Mechanics of MSU, 2004.
  27. V.N.Salnikov, Nonlinear Dynamics in the Nosé-Hoover Environment, Proceedings
    of the Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 12 pages, 2005.
  28. Vl.N.Salnikov, On the dynamics of the triple pendulum: non-integrability,
    topological properties of the phase space, Lecture notes of The Conference
    "Dynamical Integrability" (CIRM), 2006.
  29. Vl.N.Salnikov, On the dynamics of a triple pendulum: Various approaches
    to non-integrability, Proceedings of the Contest-Conference for Young Scientists,
    Institute of Mechanics of MSU, 2007.
  30. V.Salnikov, D.Choi, P.Karamian, S.Lemaitre, Génération de VER 3D par
    la dynamique moléculaire et variations autour de la pixellisation. Calcul
    des propriétés effectives des composites, proceedings of CSMA 2015.
  31. V. Hounkpati, V. Salnikov, A. Vivet, P. Karamian-Surville, On the influence
    of the inclusions' morphology on the accuracy of the prediction of reinforced
    composite materials' behavior, ECCOMAS Congress, 2016.
  32. L.Hanten, G.Giunta, S.Belouettar, V.Salnikov, Analysis of Fibre-Metal Laminates
    by Means of Higher Order Hierarchical Beam Models, Proc. of XXIV International
    Conference of Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017.
  33. S.Lemaitre, V.Salnikov, P.Karamian, D.Choi, Génération aléatoire de VER à
    inclusions géométriques modulables inspirée de la dynamique moléculaire,
    Proceedings of the 23d French Congress of Mechanics (CFM), AFM, 2017.
  34. V. Salnikov, A. Hamdouni, Geometric integrators in mechanics - the need for
    computer algebra tools, Proceedings of The third International Conference
    "Computer algebra", 2019, Moscow, Russia.
  35. V. Salnikov, A. Hamdouni, Géométrie généralisée et graduée pour la mécanique,
    actes du Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2019, Brest, France.
  36. V. Salnikov, A. Hamdouni, Revisiting geometric integrators in mechanics, Proceedings
    of The Fourth International Conference "Computer algebra", 2021, Moscow, Russia.
  37. D.Loziienko, A.Hamdouni, V.Salnikov. Construction des intégrateurs pseudo-géométriques.
    25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France.
  38. O.Cosserat, A.Kotov, C.Laurent-Gengoux, L.Ryvkin, V.Salnikov. Dynamique de Dirac pour
    les problèmes mécaniques. 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France.
  39. O.Cosserat, V.Salnikov, C.Laurent-Gengoux. Intégrateurs géométriques en géométrie
    de Poisson. 25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2022, Nantes, France.
  40. V. Salnikov, Learning Port-Hamiltonian systems, Proceedings
    of The Fifth International Conference "Computer algebra", 2023, Moscow, Russia.
  41. In other journals

  42. V.Salnikov, Intégrabilité dynamique: de l'approche algébrique au calcul parallèle,
    Matapli (SMAI), No 100, 2013 (en français). Matapli archive
  43. Scientific notes and preprints

  44. V.Salnikov, Integrability of the double pendulum - the Ramis' question,
    Preprint: arXiv:1303.4904 [math.DS].
  45. S. Lemaitre, V. Salnikov, D. Choi, P. Karamian, Computation of thermal properties
    via 3D homogenization of multiphase materials using FFT-based
    accelerated scheme. Preprint: arXiv:1504.07499
  46. S. Lemaitre, V. Salnikov, D. Choi, P. Karamian, Influence of morphological
    parameters in 3D composite materials on their effective thermal properties
    and comparison with effective mechanical properties, Preprint: arXiv:1602.07851
  47. V.Hounkpati, V.Salnikov, A.Vivet, P.Karamian, On the effective
    mechanical properties of composites reinforced by ellipsoidal and spherical
    particles: Fast Fourier Transform and mean-field homogenization.
  48. V.Hounkpati, V.Salnikov, A.Vivet, P.Karamian-Surville, On the choice of
    homogenization method to achieve effective mechanical properties of composites
    reinforced by ellipsoidal and spherical particles, Preprint: arXiv:1701.09131
  49. Around science and education

  50. Vl.N.Salnikov, The possibilities of using the school informatics laboratory
    in realization of the "interaction" between the various profiles of education,
    Special volume of the digest "Realization of the lyceum education" 2008.
  51. A.Fialowski, J.Hilgert, B.Orsted, V.Salnikov, "Discoveries, not Inventions"
    - Interview with Ernest Borisovich Vinberg, European Mathematical Society
    Newsletter, 2017.
  52. A.Fialowski, Yu.Neretin, M.Pevzner, V.Salnikov, “Liberté aux professeurs associés!” -
    Interview with Alexandre Aleksandrovich Kirillov, European Mathematical
    Society Newsletter, 2017.
  53. A.Frabetti, V.Salnikov, L.Schaposnik. Working from Home. 2 Months 4 Months
    and Still Counting..., European Mathematical Society Newsletter, 117, 2020.
  54. A.Bruce, K.Grabowska, D.Millionshchikov, V.Salnikov, A.Tuzhilin. Working from Home. 2 Months
    8 Months and Still Continuing..., European Mathematical Society Newsletter, 118, 2020.
  55. Interview pour "L'actualité Nouvelle Acquitaine", No 133, 2022, "MARGAUx Fédérer les recherches en
    mathématiques en Nouvelle-Aquitaine. Dossier avec Abdallah El Hamidi, Mathieu Naudin, Annabelle Collin,
    Pierre Del Moral, Francisco Silva, Sandrine Dallaporta, Hélène Barucq, Laurence Cherfils, Vladimir Salnikov.
  56. V. Salnikov, Some catchy title, e.g., this one Conversation with Christian Goichon about mediators
    of science, EMS Magazine, 126, 2022.

Partially updated 23.02.2024.